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Course Overview:

Every day we live in a laboratory where we have the unique opportunity to learn about people.

Workshop Objectives:

By developing a strong command of the DISC language, you will be able to:

  1. Identify your behavioral style.
  2. Recognize the behavioral style of others.
  3. Adapt and blend your style for greater, more effective communication and relationships.
  4. Define the 5 dysfunctions of teams.
  5. Apply strategies to move from the dysfunction to function.

Course Outlines:

Know Yourself:

Awareness of your own behavioral tendencies provides the foundation for increased communication. Each of us has certain inherent behavioral tendencies that make us unique, and to be aware of these provides us with the knowledge to modify our behavior.

For example, some people interrupt when others are talking. If the interrupter is aware of this, they can consciously learn to listen more and wait before responding. The DISC language provides you with the information on your behavioral tendencies.

“Knowledge is power—if you apply it”.

Control Yourself:

Once you have developed a heightened awareness of your behavior, you can begin to consciously control your behavior. For example, if you like to verbalize and you meet a person who also likes to verbalize, you can consciously choose to listen more and ask questions knowing that the other person will enjoy the opportunity to verbalize even more.

Know Others:

Know yourself first, and then learn to recognize behavioral differences in others. This heightened awareness allows you to take the third crucial step of application of the DIS C language, creating more win/win situations.

Communicate with others effectively:

Before you can appeal to a person’s basic needs, you must know their needs. By knowing their basic needs, you can intentionally do something that will appeal to their basic needs, giving you greater endorsement. For example, if you know a person likes punctuality (behavioral

trait), then you can make sure you are on time for his/her meetings. Another example, if you know a person likes to direct, you can put him/her in charge of a project.

All of these actions can help you to achieve endorsements in specific situations and retain it in others.

The 5 dysfunctions of teams:

  1. Lack of Trust
  2. Fear of Conflict
  3. Lack of Commitment
  4. Avoidance of Accountability
  5. Inattention to Results

Workshop Duration:

16 Hours

Ratings and Reviews

Avg. Rating
12 Ratings
What's your experience? We'd love to know!
Mostafa Shaaban Yakout
Posted 2 years ago

very cool experience

Mohamed Hamed Hefny
Posted 2 years ago

Samy ,really feeding you a passion ,you will not be able to close your eyes or get a break. The course well prepared ,even when he jump to point he return smoothly again like aircraft landing ,sure the result of those magnificent 2 days I transfer the DISC to me own family 🙂 thanks Samy

Ahmed Nasr El Din Abdel Moneim
Posted 2 years ago

I love it

Hamada El Sayed Habib
Posted 2 years ago
Very useful

Many thanks for this good and short summary

Marwa Hussein Hafez
Posted 2 years ago
Breif and effective

Very interesting containt,I am sure that it will be effective course and it will make big difference for dealing with the others...

Mohamed Adel Osman
Posted 2 years ago

Knowing the personalities we are dealing with is great. It is the most wonderful knowledge, and dealing with it At the start of the lesson, I am happy and interested.

Mahmoud Ahmed Ragab
Posted 2 years ago
Clear and informative

Each one of us has his own metal type it's crucial to identify it to deal efficiently and effectively with all people around , very grateful to have the opportunity to acquire that knowledge

Mohamed Mounir Mahmoud
Posted 2 years ago
Waiting for the whole course

I don't know what to say , but I am quite sure that I will gain from the the implementation of the main topics of this course in the real life , I heard a lot about the main subject of this course that focus to know yourself first to be able to identify the others in a right way and it gives you the chance to adapt yourself and face your weak points and your desire to handle them in the right way

Shaimaa Abdelsayed Mohamed
Posted 2 years ago

Cause I think this is very important that we know the personality of the people around us and also my personality so that we can deal

Terese Moheb Morris
Posted 2 years ago

5 stars

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